Prelude To Happiness (1975)


A very obscure, amputee exploitation soap opera from the great beyond. Lovely real-life amputee Rose Petra stars as a spunky young gal who’s involved in a tragic car accident and loses a leg in the process. She's forced to deal with depression, rehabilitation and the loss of her fiancé (who can’t handle her sudden change to unipedal status) before finding new love with her attending physician (who must choose between Rose and his own two-legged fiancé). Played very serious, but with a strange drive-in vibe (fueled in large part by abundant footage of Rose sporting a variety of bikinis, lingerie and other revealing outfits while hopping around on crutches, strapping on and removing her prosthesis, rolling around on the bed, etc.) This is definitely a one-of-a-kind experience that many viewers may find unsettling and/or arousing, depending on your preference.

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Prelude To Happiness