Satan’s Children (1974)
The story revolves around a runaway teenager Bobby (Stephen White), who flees his sexually teasing stepsister (Joyce Molloy) and his tyrant father (Eldon Mecham), only to bump into a vicious homosexual. He holds Bobby at knife-point and phones his equally depraved gay friends for a “hell ass party.” They throw Bobby out of their car after they gang rape him. Bobby is found hurt and naked by some satanists, who resemble more a bunch of hippies than a group of devil-worshipers. To put it briefly, complications ensue for Bobby, as the female second-in-command develops a crush for him, much to the annoyance of other satanists and to the group’s leader. Bobby’s love interest finds herself buried up to her neck and tortured with ants, while Bobby is kicked out of the group, because “Satan hates queers.” Will he gain the respect of the satanists?
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