11 Days 11 Nights: The House Of Pleasure (1994)


aka's: La Casa Del Piacere/Eleven Days, Eleven Nights: Part 7 – The House Of Pleasure

Lord Gregory Hutton (Nick Nicholson) takes his beautiful young wife (Irina Kramer) to his friend's house in the Far East for their honeymoon. There Lady Eleanor finds herself attracted to Lin Piao (Marc Gosálvez), the owner of the silk farm, and soon is tempted by his advances. Erotic drama from the Italian king of sexploitation, Joe D'Amato. ADULT CONTENT.

Joe D'Amato died from heart failure at his villa in Rome on January 23rd, 1999. He was 62.


11 Days 11 Nights: The House Of Pleasure aka’s: La Casa Del Piacere/Eleven Days, Eleven Nights: Part 7 – The House Of Pleasure