Baffled! (1973)


With an array of international stars, Baffled! attempts to resolve the mysteries of the occult in spine-chilling fashion. Leonard Nimoy stars as Tommy Kovak, a racing driver who has recurring visions of a screaming woman in an eerie English mansion. Michele Brent (Susan Hampshire) uses her ample knowledge of the supernatural to help Kovak deal with his unearthly powers. Eventually, the two awesomely witness his visions slowly becoming reality. Also with Rachel Roberts and Vera Miles.

On November 26th, 1980, Welsh actress Rachel Roberts was found dead in her home at Studio City, California. The coroner ruled that she died from “acute barbiturate intoxication,” so her death was listed as a suicide. Her actual death was a result of swallowing lye, alkali, or another unidentified caustic substance, in addition to the barbiturates which were ingested, as proven in her published journals. The acidic effect of the poisonous agent was an immediate cause of death, which propelled her body through a decorative glass screen. She was found by her Mexican gardener, cut to ribbons in a negligee, on her kitchen floor among the shards of glass. Roberts was the only actress to date who kept a vivid account of her life on record up until the very eve of her death. She was 53.

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