Caltiki, The Immortal Monster (1959)

$19.99 $15.99

aka's: Caltiki-Il Mostro Immortale/Caltiki The Undying Monster

Archaeologists investigating some Mayan ruins come across a giant, blob-like monster. They manage to destroy it with fire but then keep a sample for study – with disastrous results. Stars John Merivale and Didi Perego. Directed by Mario Bava.

Italian actress Didi Perego died from cancer on June 28th, 1993. She was 58.

Director Riccardo Freda would later claim that he abandoned this project so that Mario Bava, who he knew could be a good director, would have a chance to direct.

This film comes from a widescreen import print in excellent picture quality. It is currently the best available anywhere, so no need to search any further, get it here.

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Caltiki, The Immortal Monster aka's: Caltiki-Il Mostro Immortale/Caltiki The Undying Monster


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