Rat Pfink And Boo Boo (1966)


aka: Rat Pfink A Boo Boo

When sexy Ceebee Beaumont (Carolyn Brandt), main squeeze of rockabilly superstar Lonnie Lord, is kidnapped by the Chain Gang, Lonnie and his friend Titus Twimbly leap into leotards and swing into action as Rat Pfink & Boo Boo, champions of downtrodden women and children everywhere! The deranged dynamic duo speedily maneuver their rickety Ratcycle in search of Ceebee. Between rock 'n roll songs and wild watusi go-go parties, Rat Pfink and Boo Boo rescue Ceebee and end the Chain Gang's reign of terror–only to face the furry fanged fury of Kogar the Swinging Ape! Can our dimestore superheroes tame the gargantuan beast and save the damsel from a fate worse than death?


Rat Pfink And Boo Boo aka: Rat Pfink A Boo Boo