New Adventures Of Snow White, The (1969)


aka's: Grimm's Fairy Tales For Adults/
Grimms Märchen Von Lüsternen Pärchen/Schneewittchen… Doch Ein Flittchen

Exposed! The naked truth at last. All they couldn't print about Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs is now unblushingly told… Daringly Exposed! The characters from the classic Grimm's Fairy Tales (Mother Goose, etc.) engaged in activities the Grimm Brothers probably wouldn't approve of. Stars Marie Liljedahl as Snow White, Eva Reuber-Staier as Cinderella and Gaby Fuchs as Sleeping Beauty. Also with Ingrid van Bergen, Kitty Kino and Evelyn Dutree.

NOTE: The picture quality for this film is rather soft and there is also some picture flickering during certain scenes. However, it is still the best version currently available anywhere.


The New Adventures Of Snow White aka’s: Fairy Tales For Adults/Grimms Märchen Von Lüsternen Pärchen/Schneewittchen… Doch Ein Flittchen


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