A Chinese Torture Chamber Story (1995)

$19.99 $15.99

aka’s: Mun Ching Sap Daai Huk Ying/Moon Ching Sap Dai Huk Ying/Man Qing Shi Da Ku Xing/
Chinese Torture Chamber/

A man is discovered dead, having been given an aphrodisiac so strong it caused his crank to explode. His wife, Little Cabbage (Yvonne Hung Yung), and the scholar, Yang Ni-mu (Lawrence Ng), are dragged before a judge, both protesting their innocence and charged with adultery and conspiring to kill the husband. But unknown to them the real killers are the judge’s own son (Tak-Bun Wong) and the scholar’s wife (Mai Ching), who added the aphrodisiac to a medical prescription. In the court, Little Cabbage and Yang Ni-mu tell the story of how they became lovers, he taking her on as a maid because her father could not afford to pay rent and the two then becoming attracted, which inspired a whole host of jealousies. The judge (Lo Hung) now conspires to frame and torture the two innocents into confession. (In Chinese language, with English subtitles).

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A Chinese Torture Chamber Story aka’s: Mun Ching Sap Daai Huk Ying/Moon Ching Sap Dai Huk Ying/Man Qing Shi Da Ku Xing/Chinese Torture Chamber/滿清十大酷刑


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