Blue Demon Contra Las Invasoras (1969)


aka: Blue Demon Y Las Seductoras

It's classic camp at its best when Blue Demon meets some sexy invading women-from-space who land on Earth and begin to turn all the guys they kiss into zombie slaves. Features some wonderfully bad flying saucer effects. Stars Enrique Aguilar and Guillermo Ayala. Also with Sandra Boyd, Gina Morett and Regina Torne. (In Spanish language).

Mexican actor Enrique Aguilar died tragically on January 31st, 1971. His death was the result of an accidental gunshot wound, fired from a faulty prop revolver. He was 36.

Famous Mexican wrestler Blue Demon (Alejandro Muñoz Moreno) died just before noon on Saturday, December 16th, 2000, from natural causes. Apparently he had suffered a fatal heart attack while sitting on a park bench near a subway kiosk on his way home from his regular morning training session at The Blue Demon Instituto Atletico, where he enjoyed teaching others his fighting skills. Although an attempt was made to get him to a hospital, he was unable to be revived. He was later buried wearing his trademark blue mask. The mask was never removed in public because he wanted to keep his true identity a secret, which he did until the very end. Blue Demon was 78.

NOTE: This film comes from a very rare original Mexican import print. This is by far the best picture quality currently available anywhere for this film. Don't waste your time and money with others, get the best version right here.


Blue Demon Contra Las Invasoras aka: Blue Demon Y Las Seductoras