Grey Matter (1972)

$19.99 $15.99

aka’s: Gray Matter/The Brain Machine

A powerful U.S. senator (Stuart Lancaster), who wishes to remain anonymous, desires the freedom of thought to be his and his alone. He will put the thoughts he wants you to think into your mind so as to maintain a pure society. To this end he is supporting government funding of the experiments leading to mind control. Four subjects are chosen to participate, they can hide nothing. The mind probe knows all of their hidden secrets. The senator is in control, not the scientists, but the scientists do not know this until the probe malfunctions. When deaths occur, the scientists rush to remove the trapped human guinea pigs but become trapped themselves. For the senator, the experiment is a huge success. Stars James Best, Barbara Burgess and Gil Peterson. Also with Gerald McRaney.

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Grey Matter aka’s: Gray Matter/The Brain Machine


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