Humanoid Woman (1981)


aka's: Cherez Ternii K Zvyozdam/Per Aspera Ad Astra/To The Stars By Hard Ways/Through The Thorns To The Stars/Через тернии к звёздам

An eerie space probe, destroyed in the outer reaches of space, is discovered by Earth Mission Control. Inside, amidst the grizzly remains of the occupants, the Earthmen stumble upon a marvelous find: a beautiful humanoid woman (Yelena Metyolkina) who has survived the explosion. Back on Earth, this clone named Niya is studied and tested by scientists. She's human in every way, except one. Some unseen and powerful force is sending brain signals from her home planet Dessa. When Earth Mission Control accepts a desperate call to save pollution and war-wracked Dessa, Niya stows away on the space shuttle and returns to her planet.

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Humanoid Woman aka’s: Cherez Ternii K Zvyozdam/Per Aspera Ad Astra/To The Stars By Hard Ways/Through The Thorns To The Stars/Через тернии к звёздам


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