Reality Series Vol. 1 (2002-05)
In the first volume of the long-awaited Reality Series, in which nothing has been staged or rehearsed, follow the exploits of Smyka, Eddie Asshole, Dumpster Man and ????????. Of course their real names have been changed to protect their innocence! In reality, anyone connected with this series is far from innocent! Stay tuned for more characters and volumes to be released in the future! Included in this volume are the following chapters:
1. Laser Hair Removal
2. Looking For Smyka
3. Pants That Ate Smyka
4. To Wipe Or Not To Wipe
5. In The Car
6. ?'s Revenge Tactics
7. Smyka's Gas Problem
8. The Toothpaste War
9. Eddie Asshole Asks Smyka To Demonstrate Exercises.
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