Turkish Sci-Fi Set: Turkish Star Trek/Turkish Star Wars

$29.99 $25.99

Sold separately, click on either title below to purchase for $19.99, or select the double set here for $29.99.

Turkish Star Trek (1974)
aka: Ömer The Tourist In Star Trek
“Turist Omer” is a series of films about a character who always winds up in bizarre situations. This time around, Omer gets mistakenly beamed aboard the Starship Enterprise, where he's dropped right into the middle of a Turkish imitation of the Star Trek TV episode “The Man Trap.” Like The Turkish Star Wars, this film shamelessly swipes special effects footage from the original! (In Turkish language).

Turkish Star Wars (1982)
aka's: Dünyayi Kurtaran Adam/The Man Who Saves The World
Unbelievable Star Wars imitation with plenty of monsters, robots, a princess and a Turkish Luke Skywalker. You won't believe this! Stars Cüneyt Arkin and Aytekin Akkaya. (In Turkish language, with English subtitles).


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