Who Killed Teddy Bear? (1965)

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A busboy at a disco (Sal Mineo) has sexual problems related to events in his childhood. He becomes obsessed with a disc jockey at the club, leading to obscene phone calls, voyeurism, trips to the porn shop and adult movie palace and more! A police detective (Jan Murray) is similarly obsessed with sexual materials, leading him to become personally involved in the case. Also stars Juliet Prowse.

Sal Mineo was later to die under tragic circumstances. After returning home from a stage rehearsal on the evening of February 12, 1976, as he was coming out of his garage, Mineo was attacked and stabbed to death by a stranger. A drifter named Lionel Ray Williams was arrested for the crime. After the trial in 1979, Williams was convicted and sentenced to life in prison for the murder.

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Who Killed Teddy Bear?


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