Camping Del Terrore (1986)

$19.99 $15.99

aka’s: Body Count/Camping Della Morte

A gang of college kids take a trip to the dark woods of Colorado during their summer vacation. Unfortunately, during the journey, they run across a young man named Ben (Nicola Farron) who will lead them to his father’s campsite. The place is located in the middle of nowhere and it looks like the perfect choice to be away from society. However, what these kids don’t know is that the camp has an infamous reputation that involves the old legend of a Shaman: half-man, half-beast. Even if they find it hard to believe, as the day pass, they all realize one-by-one that the Shaman is indeed real and he’s ready to kill them. Stars Bruce Penhall, Mimsy Farmer and David Hess. Also with Charles Napier.

From a rare Italian import print.

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Camping Del Terrore aka’s: Body Count/Camping Della Morte


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