Mighty Ursus (1961)


aka's: Ursus/Mighty Ursus

Upon his return from the wars, the mighty Ursus (Ed Fury) learns that his betrothed, Attea (Moira Orfei), has been abducted and carried away to a distant island ruled by pagan priests. When he sets out to find her, he is accompanied by a blind slave girl, Doreide, who believes Attea was kidnapped by Ursus' former friend, Setas (Luis Prendes). En route to the island, Ursus is captured by Setas but breaks his bonds and continues on the journey. He encounters a courtesan, Magali (Cristina Gajoni), who offers to guide him and Doreide across a desert leading to the island. When Ursus refuses Magali's favors, she sets a trap for him with the help of Setas, but she is killed. Once on the island, Ursus discovers that Attea, now under the power of Setas, is the island's evil priestess. Failing to arouse Ursus' former love, she throws him into an arena with a giant bull, but he slays the beast and starts an island revolt against the rule of the priests. Both Attea and Setas are killed. Ursus sails away with Doreide (Mary Marlon), whose sight has been restored by a violent shock. Also with Soledad Miranda in her first credited role.

On August 18th, 1970, Soledad Miranda was killed in a head-on-collision on the Costa do Sol highway, between Estoril and Lisbon, in Portugal. She was 27.

This film comes from a very nice widescreen import print.

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Mighty Ursus aka’s: Ursus/The Mighty Ursus